Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let me be your Hero

I can be your hero baaaby! I can kiss away your pain…MUAH! A lot of you don’t know we carry a gift. It may be of the voice, the mind, or the ability to create master pieces with the imaginations we’re blessed with. I discovered mine today; I save lives.

It all started this afternoon; the office was quiet with a strange chill in the air. Just then my hero-dar went off and I signaled my co-worker and fellow hero Andrea that it was time for lunch. Something serious and hero like was about to go down. We slid across the icy parking lot to our vehicle and took off. We were cautioned by the stop light to stop, I lit my cigarette and the world stopped. My tobacco smoke simply spelt “oh shit! Look in front of you!” That’s when we knew it was time to save some lives.
The woman in front of us began to slouch in her seat; our hero senses told us this wasn’t normal. The woman was escaping consciousness rapidly and within a blink of an eye Andrea was already out of her car next to her driver seat window. She yelled back at me, “Call 911!” I threw my cig across the air and caught it perfectly with my other two fingers as I reached for the nearest phone and tossed it so perfectly out the window with just enough momentum that Andrea caught it seconds later. Just then there was a scream! My sweet kickass hero reflexes reacted with charge and I jumped…because I have so much sweet hero power.

My cig was in the air I saw it advancing towards my face! I tucked and spun out of the way into the back seat dodging my death! When I peaked up Andrea was chasing after a moving vehicle! Wait! It was the unconscious women’s moving vehicle! The car smashed into a pole and swerved into traffic.
Andrea dodged oncoming traffic, hopped over cars and flew over the rapid vehicle to stop it from moving! Meanwhile, I was faced with the choice of getting out of the car to help her or find the fast burning cig that was about to blow this car into a gas cloud! The clock was ticking…tink…tink…tink…tink. I finally found the cig and kicked the car door open and launched into a nearby patch of snow to put the time bomb out. Unfortunately I was too late, but Andrea wasn’t.

Andrea managed to distract the direction of the car and spun it into another pole. This may sound harsh but it was a much safer landing than another vehicle. The police made their way to the scene. 45 minutes later we were patching up our scars and pondered… “What happened to the young lady we saved? And when is the city going to present us with our dang plaques? Oh and…was she ok? We climbed up on the newly built bridge on capitol and there she was.

With our coats flapping in the wind and dramatic music in the background we saw that she was ok. She was performing a sobriety test on the sidewalk and failing miserably. Andrea and I looked at each other with a smile, we done work.
Look out! Is it a bird?! Is it a plane?! Ha! Ha! NO you stupid fool’s , it’s us…caring about you.

Homosexuality... So what?

Homosexuality is not natural; it is not normal. Why is there sex? Sex is necessary to propagate the species. I am not a biologist, but with most, if not all, creatures on this earth, except humans, sex is instinctual. When certain conditions are apparent, certain behavioral actions take place and the male of the species inseminates the female of the species to impregnate. But with humans it is different though the physical result is the same. One fundamental distinction with humans is that physical pleasure derived from sexual activity is coupled with emotional involvement. Some might argue that that is not always the case. I am talking here about the natural way of sex; how things are intended by our Creator.

The premise is that sex is intended solely to propagate the species and it is instinctual; but for humans, there is an emotional element. Why is it different with humans? I think it is different with humans because God gave us free will. Because we have free will, sex has to be desirable, not instinctual. What makes sex desirable is that it is physically pleasurable and emotionally satisfying. We have to want to have sex and make a decision to act on our desire, or not.

One might say, “…well yeah, that’s how it is for homosexuals also. What’s unnatural about that?” A homosexual act involves sex with no possible fertilization and therefore no effect of propagating the species. If there was no such thing as sex; there would be no survival of the species. Existence of the species would cease after one generation. So, homosexuality is not natural, because it cannot propagate nor facilitate survival of the species.

If homosexuality is not natural, can it be regarded as bad? It is, I think, a matter of point of view. Is drinking a glass of water bad when one is totally hydrated and not thirsty? I would say that that would not be natural. The natural way is drink water when one is thirsty; and thirst becomes apparent when the body is under hydrated. But drinking a glass of water when one is not thirsty is not going to adversely affect anyone; therefore not bad. However, drinking water in excessive amounts could be toxic.

Current scholarly estimates state that less than ten percent of the population of the world is homosexual (interestingly though, other surveys have shown that the general population THINKS that the percentage of homosexuals is over 20%). I do not think that a one-in-ten ratio will adversely affect anyone. However, for discussion purpose, carry that to an extreme by imagining that all of the population is homosexual. The world birth rate would go to zero and the existence of humankind would rapidly trend downward, in-vitro fertilization or artificial insemination notwithstanding.

So, if over 90% of the population is not homosexual, then a heterosexual is someone whose sexual orientation would be considered normal for the population. Hence, homosexuality is not natural, and it is also not normal. One could again ask if homosexuality is bad. I would still refer to the glass of water analogy.

Does God generate a vengeance against homosexuals? There is text in the Old Testament that might be interpreted to support that belief. I have heard some say that HIV is God’s way of exacting His vengeance on homosexuals. I personally believe that God loves; he wants us to follow the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus. God has given us free will which means we have the ability to make choices. We will be judged by the choices we make. I do not believe that we will be judged for things for which our free will was not involved. And neither should society deem one inherently bad or devalued because of something beyond that person’s choice or control.

Can one control their own sexuality? I cannot imagine someone waking up one morning and deciding to BE a homosexual; to experience and have to confront all the bigotry that exists for it; to endure the stigma that is place upon it. Why would anyone CHOOSE that? I think it is the way that one is wired. Could someone who absolutely loves the color pink suddenly shun it in favor of green? Can a person who cannot stand the taste of broccoli by decision suddenly like it? I am not saying that someone cannot change one’s desires and tastes, but it cannot be done by a calculated decision or by fiat; the wiring has to change.

The point I am trying to make here is that we mortal humans should not be judging people on the basis of sexuality. I cannot say if God does so, but we certainly should not. There are so many; dare I say too many things by which people are judged and hence valued, that are simply superfluous… race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, wealth, physical appearance, acquaintances, your car, your dog, the books you read, the vodka you drink. I’m sure you can come up with many more.

A person’s sexuality is but one facet by which one is defined. What difference does it make if one is homosexual? Does it make that person less able to function in the workplace? Does it render a person incapable of expressing friendship? Is a homosexual less able to solve problems?

We must remember that all these differences should not give cause for isolation or make us reproachful of one another; these just make us diverse. And diversity in society is generally a good thing.

- Kurt Cappelli